
Desert Immersion Earth Based Healing & Yoga Retreat for Women

05apr(apr 5)1:00 am09(apr 9)1:00 amDesert Immersion Earth Based Healing & Yoga Retreat for Women

Event Details

Are you feeling the call?

  • To shed that which is no longer serving you in order to experience more joy and connection to the world?
  • Do you desire to know better your purpose in life?
  • Are you yearning for a deeper connection to moon cycles and to your own inner wisdom as a woman?
  • Are you being called to step into your power?
  • If this resonates with you – consider to join us in this deep and healing journey for women in Baja, Mexico.

We will start our mornings with Hatha Yoga & Meditation, eat healthy organic meals. Engage in beautiful, grounding Ceremonies that realign our Souls, Minds & Bodies with the healing powers of Nature. In the afternoons, we will enjoy our private pool, beach and fresh, green detox juices made with love! There will be time slots if you choose to book a 50 minutes Esalen Massage or Peruvian Energy Medicine Session. Notice: this is NOT included in the price.

One of the highlights of our retreat will be to participate in a Traditional Sweat Lodge to cleanse, sweat toxins away & renew our skin using balancing & healing herbs such as: aloe vera, chamomile, sage, rosemary & mint. Soul Retrieval will also be offered. Soul Retrieval is a Shamanic Practice where we journey to the time passed using repetitive drum sound in order to elicit a relaxed state of mind to let go of an experience or story that’s no longer serving us or that is preventing us from being our authentic selves. We will “go within” & shed the old stories, the old skin…

With the expansiveness of the Desert, we will have the time & the space to be quiet & embark on a Shamanic Vision Quest as a means for Self Discovery &  Souls Connection. In the evenings we will offer drum & rattle sound  healing circles &  guided Shamanic Journeys anchoring our new seeds.

For more information click the LEARN MORE button to visit their website!



April 5, 2017 1:00 am - April 9, 2017 1:00 am(GMT+00:00)

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