If you happen to be in Cabo San Lucas, don’t be alarmed by the audible sounds of pleasure emanating from the vicinity of Plaza Bonita. It’s nothing illicit or illegal. No bordello has opened in the commercial triangle between Starbuck’s, Liverpool and the broad boardwalk promenade that fringes the Marina. No hedonistic group of free love advocates has chosen the plaza’s beautiful interior courtyard as the site of their annual convention.
No, those sounds you hear are from a crowd of long-time locals, exhaling gratefully after the first sip of an expertly shaken (or for purists, stirred) martini, or gasping delightedly as forks filled with pad thai noodles reach long deprived taste buds.
It’s not an orgy…not in the traditional sense…just the grand opening of the eagerly anticipated Blue Thai Martini Bar.
- Client: Blue Thai Martini Bar
- Launch Project