
Las Posadas

16decAll Day24Las Posadas

Event Details

December 16 – 24th:  Las Posadas last for nine days, and commemorate the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Each night brings candlelight processions and reenactments, which culminate in house parties after admittance has been granted at the “inn.” The most important day of the season in Mexico is not Christmas, but Christmas Eve (Nochebuena). This is the last night of the posadas, and the birth of Christ is celebrated at midnight. Traditionally, families then attend a midnight mass, followed by dinner and presents. Posada is also the name given to company holiday parties in México, many of which occur during this same period.

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December 16, 2022 - December 24, 2022 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)

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